Inspiring Better Leadership
We at Brouker Leadership Solutions are simply passionate about helping others on their leadership journey!
Dr. Brouker, a retired Captain in the United States Navy, is Founder and President of Brouker Leadership Solutions. He uses his unique gifts acquired during his exciting leadership journey to provide a dynamic leadership seminar that has been described as...
- extremely entertaining
- uniquely enlightening
- highly interactive
- exceptionally informative
- …and always effective!
For additional videos see
the Portfolio section of the website.

Experienced Leader who understands leadership at its core - has gone through the cauldron of leadership at every level, from entry level to many years in the C-suite.
Professional Leadership Development Facilitator with experience and certification in numerous leadership development and behavioral assessment tools
Professional Speaker with many years of experience presenting to a variety of audiences around the world (hundreds of seminars in 9 countries/5 continents)
Undergraduate and graduate classes at a top university. Dr. Brouker has a burning passion for continual learning - always researching the latest leadership studies and incorporating pertinent information into our seminars.
Gifted Storyteller
Some of his personal stories are comical…some are dramatic…all are effective. They bring the leadership behaviors to life & help participants fully understand their profound power.
Executive Coach helping US Navy Seals and other members of the Special Operations Forces transition from the military to corporate environment

Captain Mark Brouker, United States Navy (now retired) with son, former Midshipman, now Ensign Jacob Brouker, United States Navy. Only photo of us while we were both on Active Duty. (2011)