About Us
Starting with my first leadership job in the 1980’s, I’ve always been fascinated with how one person – the boss – can have such a profound impact on the motivation of others. That fascination has fueled a lifelong passion to learn the art of leadership.
Throughout my years as a leader in military, corporate and academic settings, I’ve avidly studied the art of leadership. My schooling came from formal education, training, observation, research and, most importantly, experience. I’ve been fortunate to have experienced the cauldron of leadership at every level – from entry level to many years in the C-suite.
The entire [leadership] process begins
with a very simple dynamic -
the behaviors of the leader.
I’ve concluded that, in the final analysis, either stellar team performance or utter failure can be traced back to one common denominator - leadership. I’ve formed a deep respect and profound appreciation for the power of the leadership phenomenon.
I’ve come to understand the vital role that organizational culture plays in team success… or team failure. Most importantly, I recognize that the entire process begins with a very simple dynamic - the behaviors of the leader.
My biggest test as a leader came when I was selected to command a large naval hospital in Bremerton, Washington. As Commanding Officer, I would be able to put into action at the C-suite level within a complex organization a leadership philosophy – specifically of employing specific leadership behaviors – which over many years I came to strongly embrace.
Either stellar team performance or
utter failure can be traced back to
one common denominator - leadership.
I saw my primary roles as shaping
command culture – specifically creating a
culture of trust while driving out fear.
As was the case throughout my leadership journey, at Naval Hospital Bremerton I was most fortunate to have been surrounded by numerous talented people who were well versed in hospital operations. The success we achieved is in large part to them. I saw my primary role as shaping command culture - specifically creating a culture of trust while driving out fear. Through my leadership journey I learned firsthand the calamities that were directly caused by a culture of fear. Knowing that culture is profoundly impacted by the behaviors of the leader, I focused on my behaviors.
That experience had a profound impact on me as I witnessed firsthand the intangible power of these leadership behaviors. I quickly realized that if I could successfully employ them, others certainly could too.
In 2013 I founded Brouker leadership Solutions. The company was formed out of a strong passion to pass along what I have learned about leadership to others - we exist to help others on their leadership journey.
- Mark Brouker
We Believe
We at Brouker Leadership Solutions work and live by the following philosophy:
- We give a max effort in all endeavors
- We always treat everyone with dignity and respect
- We are humble, we have fun and we don’t take ourselves too seriously