Dr. Mark E. Brouker
Captain, United States Navy (retired)
A dynamic speaker who has presented to a variety of audiences around the world, Captain Brouker completed an illustrious naval career, serving in a vast array of leadership positions. He served as Chief Operating Officer at an overseas naval hospital and Chief Executive Officer at one of the largest naval hospitals worldwide. Captain Brouker also served as Chief Operating Officer for Navy Medicine West, responsible for 10 hospitals spanning the West Coast to the Indian Ocean and healthcare for 800,000 patients. In this position he provided executive coaching and day to day mentoring for 10 CEOs - helping them transform their healthcare operations into High-Reliability Organizations. After transitioning from the military, Dr. Brouker worked at Bridgepoint Education as Divisional Vice President, Strategic Partnerships and as Senior Leadership Development Facilitator. Dr. Brouker currently teaches leadership studies at Chapman University.

From left to right: Katherine, Mark, Shayna, Kris, Jake
In 2013 Dr. Brouker founded Brouker Leadership Solutions, a company dedicated and passionate about helping leaders succeed on their leadership journey. He is the recipient of numerous leadership awards and has presented over 200 leadership seminars to thousands of professionals throughout the United States, as well as internationally to audiences in 20 countries - in person in 12 countries and via webinar in 8 additional countries. His clients include an array of Fortune 500 companies, professional and military organizations and top universities, helping all create High-Reliability Organizations by building a culture of trust.
Dr. Brouker is also an executive coach at The Honor Foundation (THF), a non-profit organization that helps Special Operations Forces (SOF) military transition from the military environment to the corporate environment.
Dr. Brouker earned a Bachelor of Science degree in Pharmacy from Northeastern University, an MBA from National University and a Doctor of Pharmacy degree from the University of Rhode Island, which included studies at the University of Rennes in Rennes, France, and completion of a post-doctoral fellowship in Pharmacoeconomics. He is also a graduate of the Naval War College. Dr. Brouker is an American College of Healthcare Executive Fellow (FACHE). He is a certified to facilitator the following seminars: Situational Leadership, Insideout Coaching , DiSC, and Predictive Index.
My Family
My wife, Kris, and I have been married for over 30 years. Kris has always been my best friend and primary source of exceptionally wise counsel and unselfish, loving support. That remains Kris’s role at Brouker Leadership Solutions. Kris also volunteers many hours of her time at the Naval Medical Center San Diego in San Diego, CA where she manages the gift shop.
We are proud parents of 3 children. Our daughter Shayna Rodriguez is married to Captain Joe Rodriguez, United States Army. Shayna works at the Veterans Administration hospital in Tampa, Florida as a Public Affairs specialist. Ensign Jake Brouker, United States Navy, is a Naval Flight Officer. Katherine Brouker attends California Polytechnic State University where she studies Communications and plays Libero on the volleyball team. Kris and I are very proud of all of them!